Wednesday, July 1, 2009


First of all thank you so much to all of you who have taken the time to stop by to visit Mimi... it means much more than I think we can express to any of you... It seems to me that Mimi really has turned a corner. By that I mean she seems to be on the up swing of things. She is staying awake and engaged in conversation and out of bed for MUCH longer periods of time and even seems to just radiate a lot more of her "known for" happiness! I couldn't be more thrilled to hear that...

I had a thought the other night about those times when we are so down and out and lose faith and hope and I was disappointed that I hadn't shared this with Mimi sooner... actually I haven't even as of yet but believe me I will! DUH Kari!

Footprints in the Sand
Last night I had a dream. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonged to me, the other to the Lord.
After the last scene of my life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints.
This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it. "Lord, you said once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."
The Lord replied, "My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of suffering, when you could see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

The last part speaks VOLUMES to me and Mimi's situtation and when she has felt so down over the past few weeks... Not to worry he promises... "it was then that I carried you." Wow... powerful.

Mimi went for her radiation "intake/first appointment" today and I asked Tina for her update just to be sure we got the full story and Mimi didn't forget something and Nuna didn't add some medical words that he coined (wink wink) ;-) Inside joke... Mimi's short term memory isn't fabulous and Nuna isn't the greatest with medical terms... he tends to add them! They sure are silly! Anyway... here is Tina's take on what transpired today, I just copy and pasted it from the email she sent me... figured it sounded perfect so why try to summarize it myself?!

The appointment today started at 10am and by the time we were done it was 12:45pm. It was emotionally tiring for me and mom and dad were exhausted too.

First of all the staff at the Paul Tajeda Oncology/Radiology Center at Allegiance Hospital were wonderful. We met with a nurse, a physician assistant and an MD all during that 2-3/4 time slot along with an oncology therapist who fitted her for a form/mold that has holes in it including for her eyes to wear over her head, neck and shoulders during her radiation treatments. The purpose is to keep the body in the exact position (as precise as it can be) for each of the 30 radiation treatments. It keeps the upper body from moving.

With all the information each of them gave us, it was not hard to become teary eyed knowing all this information was coming in at light speed. The staff was very comforting (especially the RN & PA-go figure) who showed extra care and compassion to mom. They continually asked us if there were questions and kept the focus on mom. After each of them examined her and did a few tests (checking her eyes and strength and feeling…), the discussion of the treatments began. They let her know first of all that she could have her treatment anywhere she chose. The doctor mentioned Sparrow because my cousin Sandy works there and I had mentioned some treatment options and questions that she had me ask about the treatment regimen. She also stated that it was up to mom whether to have the radiation treatment just take the Temodor chemotherapy pills or do nothing. Chuck said he felt good that they shared with mom she had options in her treatment. The Decadron (steroids) she was taking have been decreased to 4mg 4 times a day (instead of 8mg 4 times a day). Mom was glad because her appetite is still quite high. The doctor also mentioned that the steroid could be affecting the sleeping aide she takes (has not been as affective) and the Zololft (anxiety/depression). The Decadron will, of course, be tapered off slowly.

Dr. Soriano shared the pathology report that the GBM was in two pieces; one large section that was able to be removed but the smaller section which was left alone due to location is still there. That is what the gliodial wafer is put in for; to focus on the cancer left there.

Her treatment regimen will be Monday through Friday at a set time each day for 6 weeks. This will mean we will likely need someone willing to do maybe one day each week for six weeks. The option of a van picking her up was mentioned (which is free of charge), however, both Chuck and I agreed that she should not have come to the center for treatments alone.

Side effects are as we probably have all heard before; nausea, vomiting, tender/itchy scalp, thrush, fatigue and of course hair loss. I don’t think any of those are a worry at this point, mom just wants to get things started so she can move on with her life.

It was difficult sitting there thinking ‘can I just walk out of the movie because I don’t like it”; as if this isn’t real but it is. Mimi shared it likes sitting there hearing them talk about someone else and then realizing it’s you they are talking about treatments and hairloss and cancer.

Mom’s stitches come out on 7-7-09 (JJ has a dental appointment that day too so Chuck will take JJ and I will take Mimi, I think…) and then her first treatment is 7-9-09 at 1pm. Then her appointment with Dr. Axelson, Oncologist, will be at 2pm that same day.

So that about sums it up... I will talk with Mimi, Nuna, and Tina about who will be taking Mimi to her appts. everyday... I am thinking that maybe it will be helpful for everyone if we designate a day that each person eill take her. If you are interested in commiting to maybe a day a week please email me and let me know @ and we will let you know if we need some help. If we don't need you, please don't be offended... I know Nuna would have her there himself everyday... that's just him... but he also won't ask for help (just really doesn't think he needs it and yes he is COMPLETELY capable), so I want to be sure we lighten his load and just make this all go as smoothly as possible! Mimi is very careful to be sure he isn't too overwhelmed... that I think is VERY important to her.

Thank you everyone! Until the next update.... ;-)

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